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Mission - G4G Canada - Our mission is to teach and share the power of gratitude through the game and business of golf and financial literacy.


G4G will provide recreation, mentorship, education, and vocational training opportunities for youth. G4G will educate young people about the recreational, career and personal development opportunities available through both the golf industry and the various modes of participating in the game of golf. G4G will work in close collaboration with industry professionals and business leaders to
both provide access to golf related facilities and to address employment needs and golf industry career opportunities. G4G will promote the importance of academic achievement, tangible and valuable vocational and employment skills, while also providing basic mental health tools and other life skills to young people.

Grateful 4 Golf
Our Mission

The definition of being grateful is the quality of being thankful; your readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Gratitude is when you feel thankful for the good things in your life. This could be stuff people often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, and family. Gratitude is taking a moment to reflect on how lucky you are when something good happens, whether it's small or big.

Financial literacy means having the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about managing your money.


Understanding basic financial concepts lets people know how to navigate the financial system.

People with financial literacy skills make better financial decisions and manage money better than those without these skills.

When most think about Golf they think about the game of golf and not the other side of the game which is the Business of Golf. 


The business of golf adds over 20 billion to the Canadian economy and employees over 250,000 people both in direct and in indirect positions.  


The golf industry is a significant job provider for youth with 48% of its workforce identified as students

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Learn How Gratitude and Being Grateful Can Help Your Game As Well As Your Life.


Learn How Financial Literacy Can Help You Save & Make Money.

Learn How The Business Of Golf Can Help with Employment Opportunities.

Vision - To enhance the mental health and mindset of as many people as possible through the power of gratitude.

The non-profit business case for Grateful for Golf:  The golf industry has been consistently challenged for much of the last decade due to a labor shortage, with numerous facility owners and course operators
struggling to fill key roles in both seasonal and long-term employment. Young people have generally not been exposed to golf and are often unaware of scholarship opportunities and lucrative seasonal / career-track employment available in the golf industry for older teens and young adults.

Grateful 4 Golf
Our Vision

Values  - Gratitude - Integrity - respect - education - mindset - growth - abundance


Providing young people with and introduction to the tangible education and employment opportunities available through golf, as well as important mental health and wellness practices offered via a tailored mentorship program. Mentorship and mindfulness concepts are presented under the umbrella of an introduction to the history, culture, sport, industry and business of golf. Over the course of 8 weeks, participating young people will learn about what G4G calls the “52 Gateways in Golf”. 52 Gateways refers to the wide assortment of long-term educational and employment opportunities available through golf, as well as lucrative seasonal employment positions. Program length: 8 weeks Open to all kids ages 11-20 (participants are called “Future Leaders” or “Futures” for short).

Grateful 4 Golf
Our Program & Values 

  • 10 week study – physically active, fewer visits to the doctor 

  • Direct correlation to sleep quality and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression + better moods, less fatigue and inflammation reducing the risk of heart failure

  • U Cal – brain activity with MRI – gratitude = anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex = areas for moral and social cognition, reward, empathy and value judgement - = gratitude supports a positive and supportive attitude towards others and a feeling of relief from stressors

  • Gratitude also activates the hypothalamus with downstream affects on metabolism, stress and various behaviours – one of the neurochemicals associated with the hypothalamus is dopamine, a pleasure hormone

  • In adolescents gratitude has shown an inverse correlation with bullying victimization and suicide risk – practice promotes feelings of self-worth and compassion for others

  • Greater Good Science Center at Ucal describes gratitude as the “social glue” to building and nurturing strong relationships

  • Physiological changes associated with gratitude are typically a reduction in blood pressure and increase in vagal tone – Dr. Emiliana Simon-Thomas – Science Director at the Greater Good Science Center – related to our parasympathetic nervous system – controls heart rate, stimulating digestion, and contributing to overall relaxation

  • Gratitude encourages healthy activities such as focusing on nutrition (PAW) Positive Activities and Well-Being

Grateful 4 Golf
Facts of Gratitude

​​Call us:


​Find us: 

878 Goderich St.

Saugeen Shores, ON

N0H 2C3 

Thoughts + Feelings + Actions = Results


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